MYCAP® CCX – Expand Outside the Hood
MYCAP® CCX for cell expansion system mycap ccx
Найти и заказать Фильтрующая колба Mycap® CCX от Sartorius AG в онлайн-каталоге импортного промышленного оборудования с доставкой Гарантия
mycap ccx Never open a flask or go into a biosafety cabinet again with Sartorius Mycap® CCX An aseptic cell culture shake flask for cell culture expansion MYCAP® CCX eliminates risk and improves sterile operations The cap features a specialized gas exchange cartridge for gas exchange during Benefits with MYCAP CCX include avoiding contamination by never having to open a flask or change a cap, and improving ergonomics and process
ดาก้อน888 CationCa2+ exchanger is one of the clades of the Ca2+cation antiporter super family Here, five SlCCX genes were identified in tomato